Let's build the future of the MUG. A word to the academic community

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Dear Sirs and Madams,

Dear Electors,

As a candidate for the position of rector of our exceptional University, I am pleased to present my proposal for the development of GUMed in the upcoming term.

I have served as the Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs for the past eight years. During this time, we have seen the greatest development not only in our hospital complex but also in academic clinical research. For over 10 years, I have had the honour of leading the Department of Radiology, one of the largest radiology units in Europe. Our team performs thousands of examinations annually while maintaining strong scientific activity. In the parametric assessment of medical units, GUMed ranks among the top 10 with the highest category A.

Alongside my professional duties and academic responsibilities, my work is filled with research and consultations as part of my daily clinical practice. I also conduct tutorials, seminars, and lectures for students and supervise doctoral students and the Interdisciplinary Healthcare Management Student Scientific Circle.

As an expression of recognition for my achievements, I was unanimously elected for the prestigious position of President of the Polish Medical Radiological Society, a role I hold as only the second woman in its nearly 100-year history.

I encourage you to familiarize yourselves with my vision and plans for the development of the University in the term 2024-2028.

TEACHING – As a mother of two sons who have recently completed their education, I understand the challenges of student life very well. It is crucial to address the immediate needs, such as increased availability of lockers for personal belongings, fast and unrestricted Wi-Fi network, and ensuring a more user-friendly campus. In the era of rapidly advancing globalization, growing competition, and technological changes, the medical educational programme should be modern, interdisciplinary, and tailored to the unique dynamics of the job market.

There is an urgent need to review educational programs, emphasise interdisciplinarity and practical skills, and expand the number and variety of simulation classes across all faculties. Further actions are also necessary to provide students with adequate assistance when preparing for the LEK/LDEK exams, create opportunities for additional training of teaching staff, and adopt a more transparent e-learning system.

Time as a university student should be a wonderful period of seeking and developing new interests, not only academic. Of course, the University should prepare students for their profession. Still, it should also create conditions that can support them in discovering their own potential and broadening their transferable interpersonal skills. Following the example of the best universities in the world, we should expand existing sports and artistic activities, creating conditions that allow students to develop their extracurricular interests.

I want to support the development of a mentoring scheme since appropriate guidance is essential for individual development. I will also aim to increase the availability of scholarship- and grant-based support for the students and provide them with more opportunities to work as medical assistants, educators, or pharmacists.

RESEARCH – Our community has enormous potential, enthusiasm, and innovative ideas, yet insufficient projects or administrative assistance often hinder their implementation. When a research idea is proposed, statistical, methodological, and language support is also needed. There are also more flexible forms of employment for personnel interested in academia.

The University should support basic sciences more strongly than before, ensuring their translation into clinical practice and developing interdisciplinary research projects that combine medical sciences with other fields.

To establish the position of our University as a centre of expertise and excellence, we must significantly increase MUG’s participation in globally-reaching and commercially-oriented projects, making extensive use of multi-centre and international collaboration.

I am aware that funds from subsidies may prove insufficient to accomplish all the ambitious plans. It is, hence, pivotal to increase support in acquiring various funding sources for scientific research, broader service activities, and commercial educational offers.

CLINICAL PRACTICE – Thanks to effective management, our medical entities (UCK, UCMMiT, UCS, and CMR) are in excellent financial condition and offer high-quality services. Yet, I am aware that there are still areas needing improvement. As a practising physician, I am familiar with the challenges of daily clinical life (such as administrative workload), which require a pragmatic and effective system-based approach.

My main goal is to support the further development of UCK, UCMMiT, UCS, and CMR, and to strive towards facilitating better working conditions for our medical personnel.

During my term as Vice-Rector, significant investments were made. Such experience is crucial in the context of the ongoing construction of the new headquarters of UCS and the upcoming investment in the Centre for Paediatric Medicine or the planned construction of the Ambulatory Medicine Centre, which will also house One-Day Units.

I will continue to support UCMMiT, actively seeking funds to expand the scope of its activities, fostering its further development, and making efforts to acquire land for the MUG and UCK investments.

The National Reconstruction Plan funds will provide an opportunity to carry out many key activities in this area.

ORGANISATION – I want to rebuild a sense of cooperation, safety, and agency in our academic community. The university should be a space where we freely exchange thoughts and views in a culture of respect and make decisions about our future and the directions of further development.

One of my primary goals is the establishment of the first participatory Citizen’s Budget for student and employee projects, giving everyone a real opportunity to shape the environment around them.

In response to the needs and expectations of employees, doctoral students, and students, I aim to establish the GUMed Foundation to support the development of the University and science and the much-needed Mental Health Support Centre.

A medical university is a unique entity, and managing it requires understanding its distinctive character. In my actions, I will always be guided by the principles of respect, honesty, and partnership.

I appreciate the immense potential and invaluable experience of the University’s staff. We should focus on our employees, strengthening their competencies, increasing job satisfaction, and actively promulgating internal promotion as an attractive career development path.

A CAMPUS FULL OF LIFE – Together, we will decide how to arrange the University spaces to make them ideal for studying, working and relaxation. To achieve this, we will strive to expand social infrastructure and create new relaxation areas, refreshment facilities, and places to heat meals or prepare hot drinks. It is also essential to have a more accessible and better-managed Sports Centre and to extend the opening hours of the Main Library.

From my experience, I know how important it is for GUMed to become a parent-friendly institution with its own kindergarten, family rooms, feeding points, and changing facilities.

Undoubtedly, the University accommodation facilities need further modernization and expansion. There is also a need to discuss the reactivation of the Medyk Club as a place for our joint meetings, as well as active cooperation with the City of Gdańsk to improve the availability of parking spaces.

So far, we have mainly built a modern clinical centre – today, we must pay special attention to expanding our University’s teaching and scientific infrastructure.

I sincerely believe that in these challenging times, the strength guaranteeing rapid progress and development of the University lies in engagement, harmony, and unity. Only through cooperation and responsible team building can we succeed in taking another step towards a secure future.

I hope I will have a chance to meet personally with each of you. In case of any questions, need for clarification, or a desire to talk, please feel free to contact me in person, via email at edyta.szurowska@gumed.edu.pl or through my social media.

Let’s build the future of GUMed together!
